S.NoTitleTender DateHitsDownload
1 Short term Notice invited for submission of quotations for discount offers for offers for supply of High Speed Diesel for running of Central Heating System in Govt, Dental College and Hospital Srinagar for the winter season of 2024-25Nov 28, 20247420
2 Notice regarding cancellation of e- NIT for submission of discount offers for supply of books.Nov 08, 20247756
3 e-NIT No. 02 of 2024-25 dated:-28-10-2024 regarding notice inviting online tenders for fixing/allotment of contract for LIFTING, TRANSPORTATION, TREATMENT & DISPOSAL OF BIO MEDICAL WASTE generated in Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar.Nov 02, 20248106
4 e-NIT No. 01 of 2024-25 dated:-28-10-2024 regarding notice inviting online Discount Offers for supply/procurement of Print version of Dental Science Journals/Periodicals (International and National) for the calendar year 2024.Nov 02, 20248106
5 Notice regarding Auction of Unserviceable, useless or obsolete items.Sep 26, 202411068
6 Extension Notice 1st for auction of unserviceable, useless or obsolete items sanctioned for write-off.Jul 30, 202412856
7 Extension Notice for submission of sealed tender for procurement of Laboratory Reagent items.Jun 20, 202415000
8 Short term Notice invited for submission of quotations for discount offers for offers for supply of High Speed Diesel for running of Central Heating System in Govt, Dental College and Hospital Srinagar for the winter season of 2023-24Oct 17, 202318451
9 Notice Inviting Dasti QuotationOct 14, 202318506
10 Extension Notice No. 2nd regarding contract for Lifting, transportation treatment of Bomedical WasteOct 14, 202318548
11 Extension Notice No.1st in respect of online tenders invited for Lifting, Transportation, Treatment & Disposal of Bio Medical Waste (BMW) vide No. e-NIT No. 03 of 2023-24 dated:-29-08-2023.Sep 27, 202319432
12 Tender Notice inviting online tenders for fixing/allotment of contract for Lifting, Transportation, Treatment & Disposal of Bio Medical waste generated in GDC&H, Srinagar.Aug 30, 202322541
13 Notice regarding Auction of unserviceable, useless or obsolete items.Jun 15, 202325538
14 Notice inviting Dasti Quotation for supply of urgently required essential Dental material items.May 29, 202325824
15 Notice inviting Dasti Quotation for supply of urgently required machine specific Laboratory Reagents /Chemicals required for smooth running of the various Laboratories in the Department of Oral Pathology of Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar.May 26, 202325867
16 Notice inviting online discount offers for supply of print version of National and International Dental Science Journals/Periodicals for the calendar year of 2023.May 25, 202325879
17 Notice inviting online discount offers for supply of Dental/Basic Science Books (Indian and Foreign).May 25, 202325879
18 Auction Notice (3rd and final Drive) of unserviceable, useless or obsolete items sanctioned for write-off.May 18, 202325952
19 Notice regarding 2nd drive of auction of unserviceable, useless or obsolete items sanctioned for write-off.May 01, 202326251
20 Corrigendum for Dasti Quotation regarding urgent procurement of Banners for scheduled event of G20.Apr 05, 202327407
21 Dasti Quotation regarding urgent procurement of Banners for scheduled event of G20.Apr 01, 202327670
22 Cancellation notice regarding online tenders for Lifting, Transportation, Treatment & Disposal of Bio-Medical Waste (BMW).Mar 24, 202239915
23 Short Term tender notice for Laboratory items etc.Jan 08, 202242461
24 2nd extension Notice for submission of quotations for refilling of commercial cylinders.Nov 29, 202143699
25 1st extension Notice for submission of quotations for supply of HSD.Nov 29, 202143699
26 Extension Notice for discount offer for refilling of 19 kg LPG commercial Cylinders.Nov 16, 202143958
27 Short term tender notice for discount offers for supply of HSD for Central Heating.Nov 16, 202143958
28 2nd Extension Notice for lifting/transportation of Bio Medical Waste.Nov 02, 202144322
29 Notice for inviting quotations for Discount offer for refilling of 19KG Commercial Cylinder.Nov 02, 202144322
30 Extension Notice of E-NIT for Washing & Ironing.Oct 09, 202144754
31 Extension Notice of E-NIT for Bio Medical Waste.Oct 09, 202144754
32 E-NIT No. 08 of 2021-22 regarding washing & ironing of Watch & Ward Services.Sep 20, 202145131
33 E-NIT No. 07 of 2021-22 regarding washing & ironing of Hospital linen Items.Sep 20, 202145132
34 E-NIT No. 06 of 2021-22 regarding Providing of Manpower.Sep 20, 202145132
35 E-NIT No. 05 of 2021-22 regarding Sanitation Services.Sep 20, 202145132
36 E-NIT No. 04 of 2021-22 reg. Lifting of Biomedical waste.Sep 20, 202145132
37 E-NIT No. 03 of 2021-22 reg. Binding of Library Books.Sep 20, 202145132
38 E-NIT No. 02 of 2021-22 reg. Discount Offer for Current Journals.Sep 20, 202145132
39 E-NIT No. 01 of 2021-22 reg. Discount Offer for Back Volumes.Sep 20, 202145133
40 Avertisement Notice for the tenure post of Tutor/Registrar in various specialities.Oct 06, 202056332
41 Invitation for EOI for supply, installation of dedicated Internet Leased Line Connectivity.Jun 19, 202060543
42 Extension Notice for lifting of Bio Medical WasteFeb 27, 202064169
43 Tender Notice for binding of Books/Journals.Jul 24, 201965352
44 Extension Notice for submission of Discount offer for supply of Dental/Medical Books for the year 2019.Mar 26, 201967425
45 Extension Notice for submission of short term quotation for supply of Dental Material.Mar 12, 201967557
46 Extension Notice for submission of short term quotation for supply of Prosthetic Material.Mar 12, 201967557
47 Consolidated list of the Indian/National/Foreign/International Journal Titles for the year 2019. Feb 26, 201967758
48 Notice inviting Short Term Quotation for supply of Lab. Material Items.Feb 20, 201967936
49 Notice inviting Discount Offer on Books for the year 2019-20.Feb 20, 201967936
50 Notice inviting Discount Offer on Journals for the year 2019-20.Feb 20, 201967936
51 Notice inviting short term Quotations for supply of urgently required Prosthetic Dental Material Items.Feb 11, 201968094
52 Notice inviting short term Quotations for supply of urgently required Dental MaterialFeb 11, 201968094
53 Inviting Sealed Quotations for discount offer for refilling of LPG commercial gas cylindersFeb 02, 201968383
54 Submission of Discount offers for supply of HSD for running of Central Heating System for the year 2018-19.Oct 25, 201869929
55 Re-Tender Notice regarding Lifting, Transportation & Disposal of Bio Medical WasteJul 28, 201870873
56 Dasti Quotation invited for supply of Antivirus software.Jul 25, 201870963
57 Tender regarding allotment of Contract for SanitationJul 25, 201870965
58 Tender Notice regarding binding of Books/Journals.May 20, 201872755
59 Extension Notice for College Canteen.May 15, 201872912
60 Tender regarding Lifting, of Bio Medical WasteMay 15, 201872912
61 Sealed quotations invited from the reputed/registered firms for washing & ironing of Hospital Linen Items for a period of (12) MonthsApr 28, 201873398
62 Notice inviting online tenders for allotment of contract for providing Watch & Ward ( Security)/supply of different categories of manpowerApr 28, 201873398
63 Re - Tender Notice for College Canteen.Apr 23, 201873452
64 Tender Notice ofr annual contract of running of College/Hospital Canteen.Mar 28, 201873576
65 Tender Notice for supply of items required for Boys/Girls Hostel.Jan 24, 201874621
66 Extension Notice for submission of sealed quotations for supply of Lab. MaterialJan 01, 201875045
67 Extension Notice for Sale & submission of Tenders for supply of Lab. Material.Dec 20, 201775181
68 Notice inviting Discount Offer on Books.Dec 17, 201775297
69 Notice inviting Discount Offer on Journals.Dec 17, 201775297
70 Extension Notice for Sale & submission of Tenders for supply of Lab. Material.Dec 11, 201775383
71 Extension Notice for Sale & submission of Tenders for supply of Dental Material/Drugs.Dec 11, 201775383
72 Short Term Tender Notice for supply of Urgently needed Dental Material/Drugs.Dec 06, 201775447
73 Short term Tender Notice for supply of Laboratory items.Dec 06, 201775448
74 Short term Tender Notice for establishment of Tube Well.Aug 23, 201776426
75 Expression of Interest for supply/ of CCTV cameras.Aug 21, 201776532
76 Addendum to Short Term Tender Notice.May 27, 201776904
77 Short Term Tender Notice for supply of Dental Material/Drugs.May 23, 201776948
78 E-NIT cancellation Notice under Section - II Dental Material.May 04, 201777234
79 Re-Tender Notice for providing of Sanitation.Apr 08, 201777575
80 Notice for inviting Dasti Quotations for supply of Antivirus Software.Apr 08, 201777578
81 Notice for inviting Qotations for supply of Miscellaneous itemsMar 07, 201777920
82 2nd Extension in NIT for Washing & Ironing of Hospital Linen ItemsMar 07, 201777920
83 Tender Notice for lifting, transportation, treatment & disposal of Bio Medical Waste.Mar 01, 201777981
84 Extension Notice inviting tenders for Washing/Ironing of Hospital Linen ItemsFeb 12, 201778065
85 Tender for supply of Toners/Cartridges.Jan 14, 201778320
86 Notice inviting tenders for Washing/Ironing of Hospital Linen Items for a period of 12 MonthsJan 07, 201778399
87 Notice inviting online tenders for allotment of contract for providing of Sanitation servicesJan 07, 201778399
88 Notice inviting online tenders for allotment of contract for providing of Manpower servicesJan 07, 201778399
89 Notice inviting discount offer for subscription of Dental/Medical Science Journals for the year 2017Dec 20, 201678511
90 1st Extension in e-NIT for supply of items under Section - II Dental Material & Chemicals/Drugs.Dec 13, 201678589
91 Extension Notice or submission of discount offers for supply of dental/medical booksNov 19, 201678841
92 Extension Notice of tender document regarding binding of books/journalsNov 19, 201678841
93 Re-Tender notice of e-NIT under section-II Dental Materials & ChemicalsNov 17, 201678851
94 Inviting quotations for supply of LPG refill for winter season 2016-17Nov 06, 201678883
95 Second extension notice in e-NIT for providing manpower services outsourcingNov 06, 201678884
96 Extension in E-NIT for providing of manpower on OutsourcingOct 03, 201679152
97 Short Term Tender Notice for supply of emergency items of Dental Materials.Sep 19, 201679296
98 2nd Extension Notice for supply of items under Section - II Dental Material & Chemicals/Drugs.Sep 18, 201679296
99 Notice Inviting online tenders for providing manpower services on outsorcingAug 26, 201679395
100 Tender Notice regarding Dental Materials & Chemicals/DrugsAug 01, 201679607
101 Extension Notice for online tenders for providing of Manpower on OutsourcingMay 30, 201680013
102 Extension Notice for online tenders for providing of Manpower on OutsourcingMay 06, 201680322
103 Notice inviting online tenders for providing manpower servicing on outsourcingMar 28, 201681169
104 Short Term Tender Notice for supply of emergency items of Dental Material/DrugsSep 30, 201582530
105 Tender Notice for annual contract of running of College/Hospital CanteenAug 31, 201582755
106 Short Term Tender Notice for supply of emergency items of Dental Material/Drugs.Aug 25, 201582810
107 Tender Notice for binding of Books/Journals.Aug 18, 201582902
108 Corrigendum to Tender Notice invited for subscription of Dental JournalsMay 15, 201584149
109 Notice inviting online Tenders for subscription of Dental JournalsMay 14, 201584162
110 Extension notice regarding providing of manpower on outsourcingMar 06, 201584326
111 Extension Notice for supply of Items under Dental Machinery/EquipmentFeb 06, 201584431
112 Tender Notice for annual contract of College/Hospital CanteenJan 29, 201584479
113 Notice inviting online tenders/bids for fixing/allotment of contract from providing manpower services on outsourcingJan 29, 201584482
114 Notice inviting online tenders for supply of Dental Machinery EquipmentJan 20, 201584575
115 Extension Notice for submission/uploading of Online tenders for supply of Dental EquipmentsDec 17, 201484695
116 Notice inviting online tenders for supply of items for a period of 12 monthsDec 03, 201484705
117 Tender Notice for Annual Contract of running of College/Hospital CanteenJun 10, 201485110
118 Addendum alongwith list regarding Notice Inviting Discount Offer for supply of JournalsMay 24, 201485228
119 Notice inviting Discount Offer for supply of Latest Dental/Medical Science Journals of the year 2014May 23, 201485231
120 Short term Tender Notice for supply of Emergency ItemsMay 16, 201485261