Pedodontics - Overview
1. Prof. (Dr.) Nazia Lone Professor & HOD  9419060028
2. Dr. Mohsin Sidiq


3. Dr. Ashiq Hussain Qureshi Dental Surgeon    
4. Dr. Fozia Mir Tutor (On Academic Need Basis)    
5. Dr. Insha      

The Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, offers a dynamic and unique suite of undergraduate programs designed to produce dental practitioners of the highest caliber. The Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, located on the second floor of the new building .It is divided into an undergraduate and postgraduate clinic with its independent waiting lounge, staff chambers, library, and a special play room for children. The Department is well equipped with 12 Dental chair units, complete laboratory set up, X-ray Unit with RVG and latest equipment which enables the student doctors to deliver high quality dental care to the child patient at ease. The clinic has various sterilizing units like autoclave, glass bead sterilizer, mill rack unit for continued sterilization for the patient and operators safety.


To prevent and cure dental diseases in children and incultate a positive attitude towards dental health.

Services offered

This department treats the children from infancy to the age of 14 yrs. We mainly concentrate upon prevention and interception supplemented with correction of dental abnormalities. Every case that visits our department go with various preventive protocols ranging from simple counseling, oral hygiene instruction, topical application of fluorides and pits and fissure sealants. We also undertake a total oral rehabilitation for each and every child that reports to our department.

We advocate many behavioral management techniques is the child management to deliver the dental therapeutic needs. Specialized restoration like stainless steel crown, composite restorations are being undertaken. Minor oral surgical procedures are also undertaken as for the need. We have tried to create a casual environment for the benefit of patients many colorful posters, dolls, cartoon characters. Apart from this, it is well furnished with the latest equipment to facilitate a more efficient treatment thereby providing an appropriate training to the budding dentists of the future. Staffs working in the departments guide the students. Seminars and group discussions are conducted for proper interaction and molding of the students. Good clinical exposure is mandatory, as theoretical knowledge does not suffice. To extract the best out of each student, individual supervision is given

Faculty achievements


Title Author Conference Date & Place
Complex odontomes in maxilla- A case report and review of literature Dr.Nazia Lone 28th ISPPD conference Rohtak
CT –A diagnostic tool in alveolar morphology Dr.Nazia Lone 29th annual conference of anatomists ,TN Chennai
Radicular cyst in primary dentition-Literature review and Case report Dr.Nazia Lone 25th TN state dental conference Eeroad, TN
Barriers of dental treatment in Chidambaram Dr.Fozia Mir 31st ISPPD conference  


1. Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia : Report of two cases and review of literature ------Indian journal of dental sciences ;june 2011 ,issue 2,vol:3------ Dr.Nazia Lone

Research and Development

1. Dental caries, Oral hygiene status, Dental Knowledge and attitudes towards dental health in 8-15 year old visually impaired children in Cuddalore---. Dr..Nazia Lone

2.Morphologic characteristics of primary dentition in 3-5 year old school going children of Chidambaram and Srinagar ---- Dr. Fozia Mir